About Us

Our School Philosophy

At Bethware School, our primary mission statement is teaching and learning!

Students know that they come to school to learn. The school staff makes sure that all students learn. At Bethware, we enjoy learning together. All of our students can earn lots of awards and recognition for their good work. We hold high expectations for all of our students. Having a statement of our mission is not enough.

We must believe it and practice it.

Our Mission Statement

The Bethware family will work together as a team to encourage all students to be successful and meet their full potential.

We are on a mission at Bethware Elementary School! Our purpose is to serve you and your children. We are here to educate and help your child grow cognitively, emotionally and physically. With your partnership, we know that your child will experience success and will be challenged to learn more every day. We see potential in each child and we will not give up on any student. Every child can develop his or her talents through hard work, determination, good strategies and encouragement from others. Carol Dweck writes, ";When students believe they can get smarter, they understand that effort makes them stronger. Therefore they put in extra time and effort, and that leads to higher achievement." With your help, we will instill these values in your children and help them celebrate when they reach their goals. Thank you for choosing Bethware Elementary School for your child!


  1. We are prominently displaying our mission statement.

  2. We are teaching all goals and objectives in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.

  3. We are utilizing data from state and local assessments to determine/direct classroom instruction and to challenge all students to reach their fullest potential.

  4. We are using technology to individualize and enrich instruction.

  5. We are supplementing instruction to meet individual needs.

  6. We are maintaining a safe and orderly environment.

  7. We are using various means of communication to keep all stakeholders informed.